Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is all of the planned activities that we organise in order to promote learning and personal growth and development, whilst being knowledge based with skills progression. It includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also the range of extra-curricular activities that the school organises in order to enrich the experience of the children.
Our curriculum is relevant to the children at our school, in this area of Plymouth. We value the development of their knowledge about why the place they live in is important and how it has developed over time. The curriculum for all subjects is planned to build on children's prior learning and focuses on skills and knowledge, ensuring children make progress in all areas.
We value the breadth of the curriculum that we provide. We aim to teach children how to grow into positive, responsible people, who are able to work co-operatively with others while developing creativity, knowledge and skills. Above all, we believe in making learning interesting, inspirational and rewarding, so that all children can achieve their true potential.
We have focused on the 3I's; Intent, Implementation and Impact. The 3I's underpin our curriculum and support our children in gaining more knowledge and remembering that knowledge.
Ford Primary is an inclusive school and our curriculum matches this ethos. All groups of children, including those with SEND and Pupil Premium, access the curriculum and we have high aspirations for them all. The cross curricular nature of our curriculum ensures knowledge becomes 'sticky' for all groups of children.
Making use of high quality experts and experiences is paramount to supporting the learning and development of the children at Ford. We carefully plan visits, visitors and experiences to ensure these have a direct impact upon skills and knowledge for life long learning. This has led us to create our '50 Things to Experience' list.
Have a look at our policy, 3I's Statement and subject areas to find out more information.
Being an Academy, we choose to teach the National Curriculum. This is a series of objectives which children need to be taught throughout their time in primary school. This is split into Key Stage 1 & 2.
Copies of each programme of study for each subject can be found on the subject pages, along with our skills progression grids.
At the beginning of each term we publish more in-depth information about what is being taught in each year group. This can be found on the class page.
If you would like to find out more information on the curriculum that your child is following, please click the following link:
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