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Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures


Winter School Closures

The decision to close the school is not taken lightly and we will consider all the available options before deciding to close the school. The usual reason to close the school is due to the limited availability of staff. Many members of staff do not live locally and have to travel some distance into work. We need to have enough members of staff to ensure the safety of the children. Other factors sometimes cause a school to close, the loss of adequate heating, lighting, water or availability of school meals.

If it is decided to close the school a message will be put on Facebook, text messages will go out and an email sent to all parents. We will then inform the local media, Heart FM, BBC Radio Devon and Radio Plymouth, who usually put out regular updates of any school closures.

If we need to close the school early during the school day we will use text messaging, email and social media to inform parents of our decision.

Obviously, if no message is put out, then assume the school is open as usual. Please try and avoid ringing the office to ‘check just in case’.

Plymouth City Council will provide regular updates through their website and social media channels. The well-being of our pupils is paramount. Our priority will be to ensure that all children and staff are kept safe and any decision taken will reflect this.