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Information for Parents and Carers


In June 2019, the government released statutory guidance on relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education.  This new curriculum has been mandatory since September 2020. The Government Guidance can be found at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/relationships-education-relationships-and-sex-education-rse-and-health-education


Our school PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and RSE policy is now available and can be viewed by clicking the link below.


Policy: PSHRE Policy - June 2023


The policy contains the statutory expectations for primary schools including our proposed approach to compulsory relationships education and sex education.


The school will be following the Jigsaw Scheme of work which covers all aspects of the mandatory curriculum from YR to Y6. Please take the opportunity to read the leaflet for parents and carers, produced by Jigsaw PSHE, which explains this in a little more detail and what is taught in each class.


Parent Guide:https://bit.ly/3mjm9JD


In addition to the statutory Relationships Curriculum, children in Years 5 & 6 will also complete some learning in line with the proposed school RSE Policy and Curriculum.  Parents/ carers have the right to request that their child is withdrawn from some of these lessons. Parents and carers from these classes will be invited to an information session prior to the lessons being taught in the Summer Term to help inform their decision.