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How will I know if the school is concerned about my child?

How will I know if the school is concerned about my child?


  If, at any time, the school feels your child would benefit from some additional support we will let you know. This may be at a routine parent/ teacher consultation meeting held each term or at an arranged additional meeting. The school will also send home three reports across the school year that will indicate how well your child is doing.


It may be that staff feel your child would benefit form a ‘boost’ to secure certain knowledge or close a gap in their learning. To do this your child may work 1:1 with an adult or work in a small targeted group to address specified needs. This type of intervention will be for a short period of time and with a clearly identified aim. Your child will not require a SEND Support Plan (Individual Education Plan or IEP) for this type of support.


If the school feels your child will need longer term support, in one or more areas of the curriculum, this will be discussed with you and an IEP will be put in place. These will be adapted and reviewed regularly.


If the school identifies your child as having a more specific need we may refer them to another agency such as the Speech and Language Service, the Communication Interaction Team or an Educational Psychologist. This will enable school staff to gain expert advice on how to best support your child. Parental permission is sought first and we always involve parents and carers in regular meetings with any outside agencies working with your child.