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Music Curriculum Statement


At Ford Primary, we believe that music can enhance children’s knowledge, learning, well being and confidence. We hold music in the highest regard and hope to engender in our children a lifelong love of it. Children gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, and composing across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, traditions and musical genres. We encourage all children to participate in and enjoy music in class and through a variety of extra -curricular music activities and opportunities.  We hope that, due to the wide range of musical experiences the children are exposed to, they use their musical knowledge and skills as a platform for later life.




At Ford Primary, we believe that a clear and effective scheme of work that provides coverage in line with the National Curriculum is essential to meet the requirements of our children in order for them to thrive. Music is taught on a progressive year by year programme throughout school using the award winning Music Express Scheme devised by Collins. Our music curriculum ensures children sing, listen, play, perform and evaluate. This is embedded in the classroom activities as well as in assemblies, various concerts and performances and the learning of instruments. 


At Ford, we are proud of our strong singing tradition. Our whole school weekly “Singing “ sessions and our Choir consist of rehearsing and learning a wide range of songs from traditional to modern . We want our children to use musical language to analyse music they listen to, perform and compose, and understand how it is made, played and appreciated. With this in mind we arrange for as many “live” musical performances as we can for the children,and by the children.  Through classroom music, singing, using body percussion and instrumental lessons we introduce children to the basics of reading music notation. They also learn how to compose, focusing on different dimensions of music, which in turn feeds their understanding when listening, playing, or analysing music.


What are we doing beyond the classroom?

  • Children have access to various music clubs. 

  • Children learn to play the ukulele.

  • Children perform in various concerts and celebrations, both in school and for wider audiences. 


Our music programme encourages children to enjoy music as listener, creator or performer. Children will develop the skills to evaluate music they hear, as well as express opinions using musical vocabulary. They will gain an understanding of how music is created and communicated, and in turn be able to create and communicate their own music. This will also contribute to their learning about culture, history and ethnicities from across the world. Through music we want the children to develop self-confidence, the ability to interact with and be aware of others and gain a sense of achievement through their musical endeavours. Our varied musical programme allows the children to learn to self-evaluate; discovering areas of strength as well as areas to develop. Music at Ford gives the children the opportunity to discover talents, interests and passions on which to build in their futures.


How do we check the impact? 

  • Performances given by the children are recorded and photographed. 

  • Monitoring of music teaching through various methods used by the music leader and senior leadership team. 

  • We track progress and attainment through WTS, ARE and GDS.


How have staff been supported in this subject?

  • All staff have had training on implementing Music Express. 

  • Key staff have had training in instrumental tuition (ukuleles and singing). 

  • Music leaders have attended local training and hub meetings.  


Link to the Music programme of study:



Link to Music Express: 

Music Express