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How does the school support children with SEND?

How does the school support children with SEND?


Ford Primary School has a very flexible approach to supporting children with SEND. We work very closely with you and all professionals involved in your child’s education and development to create the best provision we can.


Once a specific need has been identified, an individual SEND support plan or Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be created that will show how the school will help your child. This plan incorporates advice from specialist agencies where appropriate, and will consider the best way to deliver the support. For example, this may be a mixture of in class support, one to one work with an adult out of class, special arrangements made for lunchtimes, time spent with a learning mentor or the provision of special equipment. The plan is shared and discussed with both you and your child and copies are sent home.


The provision is reviewed regularly to ensure that it is achieving the desired outcomes. The plan is not fixed and can be adapted as your child’s needs develop and change over time. We encourage the children to evaluate the interventions we provide and we seek pupil views at key times to ensure they understand the support and begin to recognise how it is helping them.


The school also offers particular types of intervention that have proven track records of success. These may form part of your child’s IEP and include;


Talkboost, BLAST and NELI – these interventions support language development, help extend vocabulary, improve communication, promote good social interaction and develop good listening skills.


Every Child a Reader and WAVE 3 Reading – these programmes are very comprehensive and are currently offered to children in KS1 and LKS2. They are intensive interventions that improve reading and writing skills.


Colourful Semantics –this intervention helps develop the child’s ability to write grammatically accurate sentences and helps them understand word order and categories in the English language.


1stClass@Number – this is a maths intervention that targets gaps in learning and understanding. This intervention is often offered for small groups of children in LKS2.


1stClass@Writing - this is a writing intervention that targets gaps in learning and understanding in the child's writing in LKS2.


Precision Teaching – this support helps children learn and retain key facts, particularly, new words and sounds needed to improve reading skills.


To find out more information on our interventions, please click the following link: www.ford.plymouth.sch.uk/interventions/