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Foundation Unit



Welcome to our Foundation Stage at Ford Primary School!  We hope you find this information useful.  We are confident that it will provide you with a flavour of our Foundation provision. We have a very committed, enthusiastic and experienced staff team to support and guide your child through their Foundation years so that they reach their full potential.


We would love you to watch our Foundation virtual tour.  Please click on the video below to meet some of our staff and find out more about our unit. 

Welcome Booklet


Please see our Oak Class Welcome Booklet.  Jigsaw Jenie and Jigsaw Jerrie would like to show your child our Foundation Unit. 


Our Foundation Unit comprises of Nursery and Reception-aged children (3 -5 year olds.) Our Nursery children are in Acorns and our Reception children are in Oak Class.

Ford Primary has a one-class Reception intake, with a maximum of 30 children.  Children can start from the age of 3 in our Nursery.  Please see the separate Nursery page on our website for more information on our Nursery provision.

Learning Environment 


Our unit allows the children in Acorns and Oak Class to move freely around during child-initiated playtimes, both inside and outside.  We benefit from having two large classrooms which can be partitioned for group times, a small learning room and an intervention room, in addition to our own kitchen for activities such as cooking.  The children have their own toilets within the unit too and there is immediate access to our Foundation outdoor area.  We are part of the whole school, so we make regular use of other areas in the school, such as the main school playground, the hall, and the library.

Our unit is divided into separate areas, including a home corner, a creative area, a ‘funky fingers' table and a construction space.  These places are carefully planned and resourced in order to provide the children with as many different learning opportunities as possible in their play.  Our Foundation outdoor area includes two tarmac areas and a small grassy area. 



We plan a wide range of opportunities for children to learn through fun, hands-on experiences and activities during adult-led group times each day and child-initiated play. We usually teach maths, writing and phonics each day in group times.  Other areas of learning, such as Personal, Social, Emotional Development or Physical Development are taught in group times too.  All seven areas are planned for during our fantastic child-initiated play, where the children have a choice of activities to play with to encourage the children’s independence and learning. 

The Foundation Curriculum 


We follow a framework called the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) ‘Development Matters’ that sets out the learning, development and assessment requirements for all children until the end of the reception year.  At Ford, we are currently following an ‘early adopter’ curriculum which will be mandatory in September 2021.  Please read the following letter for more information: https://bit.ly/3sjt47J


Please click here to view the EYFS Curriculum Development Matters from birth to five years which is clearly set out: https://bit.ly/3fauTQI


Our Topics 

We began this academic year with a topic called 'Marvellous Me!'.


Please see below for this term's medium-term planning. 


Autumn Term A: https://bit.ly/3P5sPd7   


Spring Term A: https://bit.ly/48tvrcK


We use our local community to enhance our learning, such as playing collaboratively at the local park, going on welly walks to the local allotments or learning about road safety on a walk around the area. We partake in educational visits to enrich our curriculum, such as exploring Mount Edgcumbe on the ferry, visiting Pennywell Farm and the Aquarium. 




Reading in the Foundation Unit 


At Ford Primary School, we consider reading to be an essential skill that will be a huge factor in ensuring success later in life. This is why we place a large focus on helping our children master this skill and become confident readers.  We use the Read Write Inc (RWI) programme to get children off to a flying start with their reading and writing. RWI is a method of learning centred around phonics.  Using RWI, the children learn to read effortlessly so that they can put all their energy into understanding what they read. It also allows them to spell confidently so that they can put all their energy into composing what they write.


When using RWI to read the children will:

  • learn that sounds are represented by written letters
  • learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letter/letter groups using simple picture prompts
  • learn how to blend sounds
  • learn to read words using Fred Talk
  • read lively stories featuring words they have learned to sound out
  • show that they comprehend the stories by answering questions


When using RWI to write the children will:

  • learn to write the letters/letter groups which represent 44 sounds
  • learn to write words by saying the sounds in Fred Talk
  • write simple sentences


So that you are able to support your child's learning at home, please take some time to explore the links below to see videos and examples of how RWI is taught.




On the following link, click the icon in the top-right hand corner of the film to see the full playlist including ‘What is Read Write Inc Phonics?’ and ‘How to say the sounds.’




NELI Information Letter

Useful Websites